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Why taking action creates success

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

You may be thinking to yourself -- "My listing is doing just fine. I get a couple bookings a month and it pays the utilities and taxes for the property." But what if it could also pay the mortgage payments or rent for your primary residence too and give you a little extra spending money or money to save to invest in another property??

Doing nothing ensures the same result you have been getting. Doing SOMETHING (or at least the right thing) ensures improvement. I have a quote on my desk that I have used for many, many years. It reads... "If you have tried to do something and failed, you are vastly better off than if you had tried to do nothing and succeeded."

I am so thankful that I took the leap and started my vacation rental business! It brought me great joy until it was time to sell and move into the next chapter of my journey -- which is helping others achieve great success in their business as well.

I know many who have decided that renting out a room in their house or renting out their second home or purchasing a property to rent out is their chance for a second income. Trust me, they are correct. If done can achieve success, but you must be willing to invest a little up front to get greater returns.

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