We like to keep it real here at Welcoming Wow. That being said, most of you do NOT need an Interior Designer, but there are a some of you out there that DO desperately NEED an Interior Decorator.
You may ask...what's the difference?
Interior Design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to create functional spaces within a building, while interior decorating is the furnishing or adorning of a space with decorative elements to achieve a certain aesthetic. In short, interior designers may decorate, but decorators do not design.
Interior Designers are often involved if you are building or remodeling a home. Decorators get involved when you need to refresh a space or bring it up to date or perhaps completely change the style. For example, let's say your vacation rental currently has no theme to it, and you want your guests to be wowed when they enter the space (always the goal)...a decorator (like us) would work with you to figure out a style and then use existing (and new depending on the budget) furniture and decor to help you re-create the space.
Let's show you a few examples of how re-decorating a space change it.
1. Let's look at a bedroom and how de-cluttering and giving the room a bit of fashion changes everything! (FYI...a couple of these are from boredpanda.com (they're always full of good stuff!)

2. Next we have a small kitchen. This looks fabulous since they used the existing cabinets, and just spruced it all up with paint. The only semi-structural thing they did was to move the upper cabinets up to meet the ceiling and add shelves. If you or someone you know can paint, you can do this with a bit of guidance! PAINT DOES WONDERS!!!

3. Here we have a living room. Again showing what paint, furniture and curtains can do to change up a room. Obviously, they have to be the correct choices and placed appropriately, but that's why you work with a professional to help guide you.

After looking at these examples, think about your own vacation rentals. Do they need an update? Are you guests wowed when they walk through the door? Do you need an Interior Designer or just a bit of help from Welcoming Wow? We can create Inspiration Boards with you and help guide you through the process!
BTW...sometimes all you need is paint and a bit of de-cluttering. No furniture purchases needed, and if you get a few more renters who spread the word about your updated space, its a WIN-WIN!! Let's work together to WELCOME your guests with a WOW!!